Women’s Issues

What are Women's Issues?

The term "women's issues" is broad and can refer to anything that may affect a woman's mental health. Today, more than 29 million women in America (or approximately 23 %) struggle with mental illness. Women's issues represent a broad scope of mental health concerns and conditions that women may face at some point in their lives. Some are specific to the female experience, such as postpartum depression while others, such as anxiety can affect both men and women. Regardless, women may experience these concerns differently. Women's issues can significantly impact the daily lives and overall well-being of women, and through education and awareness, not only may these issues be better understood by others, but also better understood by the women they are affecting.

There are many types of issues that women may face throughout their lifespan, and while each woman is different, and thus may struggle with different issues, some of the most prominent concerns include:


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hormonal
  • Infertility
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Motherhood
  • Career Management
  • Relationships
  • Divorce Transition


  • Body Image Problems
  • Women's Health
  • Aging
  • Sexuality
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Discrimination
  • Sexism or Stereotyping
  • Low Self-Esteem/Self-Worth

Why seek Therapy for Women's Issues?

These women's issues can have serious mental, emotional and physical health effects that run deeper than what's considered to be normal. They vary in severity from mild to extreme, and in many cases, women are not able to cope with these issues on their own. I can assist in coming to terms with your unique issues and help to improve your health, relationships and mental well-being. I provide a safe and supportive environment to help empower you, so you can find balance, improve your quality of life, and experience relief from emotional suffering.

6000 A Sawgrass Village Circle, Suite 7
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 770-9717

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