Is Hypnotherapy Right for You?

Is there a behavior or habit you’ve been trying to change or eliminate but you haven’t had any success? Do you wonder if hypnotherapy may be right for you?

A lot of people are intrigued but confused by hypnotherapy, and can you blame them? Most only know the concept from seeing a video of someone making an audience member cluck like a chicken!

What Exactly is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis performed by a specially trained professional. Some therapists utilize this method to help their clients relax and enter into a dream-like state of targeted concentration.

Think of the times you have been thoroughly engrossed in a book, movie or meditation. When we reach this kind of focus, we can tap into our inner resources to bring about positive and lasting changes.

When is Hypnotherapy Used?

Hypnotherapy is a complementary treatment to traditional psychotherapy and is often used in the treatment of phobias, anxiety, bad habits, undesirable behaviors and substance addiction. Hypnotherapy can also be used to improve sleep, help learning disorders and assist in pain management.

What is it Like to Experience Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is typically performed in a relaxed and peaceful environment. Your therapist will begin by guiding you into a calm and focused state. Once there, you will be asked to think about specific circumstances and life experiences in positive ways that can help you begin to think and act differently in your everyday life.

Despite what you may have seen in TV and films, you will not be put into an entirely unconscious or sleeping state, or in any way vulnerable or not in control of your actions. Rather you will hear their verbal suggestions, and then you and you alone will decide whether or not to act on them.

How to Find the Right Hypnotherapist

Finding the right hypnotherapist is a personal journey and there are some things to look for. To start, he or she should be a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) or the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Members of these groups are required to obtain a doctoral level degree in medicine, dentistry, or psychology, or a master’s degree in nursing, social work, psychology, or marital/family therapy plus a specific number of hours of approved training in hypnotherapy.

Beyond credentials, you should also look for a therapist you feel comfortable with. This may mean you get on the phone first to get a feel for the therapist. He or she should be open to answering any questions you may have about their process.


If you or someone you know is interested in exploring hypnotherapy, please get in touch with me. I’d be happy to discuss how I may be able to help.

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6000 A Sawgrass Village Circle, Suite 7
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 770-9717

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