What Are the 4 Cs of Addiction?

What Are the 4 Cs of Addiction?

Addiction can take many forms—for example, people can become addicted to smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using drugs, gambling, and shopping. But regardless of the type of addiction in question, many members of the mental health community use the “four Cs” to determine whether someone is an addict: compulsion, craving, control, and consequences.1. CompulsionAs someone becomes addicted to something—whether it be...[ read more ]

What is a Dual Diagnosis?

There are times when a person is diagnosed with a mental health issue, such as depression or anxiety. Other times, someone might be diagnosed as having a substance abuse issue. When someone has both a mental health issue and a substance abuse issue, we call it a dual diagnosis.How Does Dual Diagnosis Develop?Often, addictive behaviors are a result of someone...[ read more ]

3 Ways Teens Can Benefit from Therapy

Not many of us remember our teenage years as walks in the park. That’s because this time in our life is punctuated by uncertainties, social pressure, and a surge of hormones. Because of this perfect storm, many teens act out, which can cause a lot of chaos and disruption in the home and family.Here are 3 reasons why teens can...[ read more ]

Hypnotherapy via Telehealth – Does It Work?

Hypnosis has to be one of the most misunderstood mental health treatments hands down. The myths surrounding this treatment stem from the many exaggerated movie scenes and stage shows that get people to cluck like a chicken.The truth is, hypnosis is an effective psychological treatment that has helped countless people. In a clinical setting, hypnosis simply puts people into a...[ read more ]

Does It Really Work? – The Science Behind Hypnosis

You’re getting sleepy… very sleepy……and when you wake up you will cluck like a chicken.This is what many people think of when they think of hypnosis. But hypnosis is much more than a funny party trick.Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries. In fact, in ancient times priests and shamans used altered stated of consciousness as a way to bring about...[ read more ]