
Understanding Claustrophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Claustrophobia causes someone to intensely fear confined spaces (for example, airplanes, caves, elevators, MRI machines, and tunnels). In some cases, even thinking about being in an enclosed space can produce symptoms. The fear associated with claustrophobia can be so extreme that it interferes with a person’s ability to work, attend school, and participate in other routine activities. Many people with...[ read more ]

Understanding Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED)

You may have heard about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but what about post-traumatic embitterment disorder (PTED)? PTED is a condition that produces chronic feelings of bitterness and resentment after someone experiences a negative life event (for example, being bullied, assaulted, or fired from a job).PTED may be more likely to occur if the person worked hard to achieve their goals...[ read more ]

3 Tips for Starting a Self-Care Routine

You’ve probably heard of “self-care Sunday,” a recent trend that involves devoting one day a week to nourishing your mind and body. Whether you want to start practicing self-care on Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays—or every day—good for you! Depending on the practices you adopt, self-care can boost your mental and emotional health, enhance your physical health, strengthen your relationships, and improve...[ read more ]

What Are the 4 Cs of Addiction?

Addiction can take many forms—for example, people can become addicted to smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using drugs, gambling, and shopping. But regardless of the type of addiction in question, many members of the mental health community use the “four Cs” to determine whether someone is an addict: compulsion, craving, control, and consequences.1. CompulsionAs someone becomes addicted to something—whether it be...[ read more ]

Understanding CBT: What It Is & How It Works

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy that focuses on identifying inaccurate or negative thinking, viewing difficult situations more clearly, and responding to those situations more effectively. CBT can be administered on an individual basis or in a group setting, and in some cases, it may be combined with another form of treatment (for example, medication). When...[ read more ]

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Causes & Symptoms

Do you tend to start feeling unhappy around the same time each year? If so, you might have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that the American Psychiatric Association estimates affects about 5% of U.S. adults. Below, we explore what causes SAD and describe the symptoms that it often produces.What Causes SAD?Researchers are still working to determine exactly...[ read more ]

What Is Journaling & How Can It Help You?

If you’ve been researching self-care practices, you may have come across something known as journaling. But what is journaling, exactly, and what can it do to improve your mental, emotional, and even physical health?Journaling, at its core, is the regular practice of writing down experiences, thoughts, and feelings. However, it can be adapted to whatever your specific needs or goals...[ read more ]

The Link Between Social Media & Infidelity

Social media offers a number of benefits. It can help us feel more connected to our loved ones, introduce us to like-minded individuals who have similar interests, keep us updated on news and current events, and inspire us to try new things, just to name a few.Unfortunately, social media can also make it easier for people to cheat on their...[ read more ]

How to Know if You’re an Introvert

What’s the difference between introversion and extroversion, and how can you tell whether you’re an introvert? We’ve got the answers you need below.Introversion vs. ExtroversionBefore exploring common signs of introversion, it may be helpful to first explain what it means to be an introvert as opposed to an extrovert. These two opposing personality types are determined based on what energizes...[ read more ]

What Not to Say to Someone With OCD

If a friend or family member has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you probably want to do whatever you can to help them. But if you’ve never dealt with this disorder yourself, you might have a hard time figuring out what to say. Your goal should be to empathize with them and offer support, so with that in mind, you’ll want to...[ read more ]

6000 A Sawgrass Village Circle, Suite 7
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 770-9717

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